Saturday, 27 October 2012

The Passion of the Christ

After watching The Passion of the Christ it struck me. All our suffering is nothing compared to what we should have gone through; it’s nothing compared to what Jesus suffered in our stead. He was betrayed, mocked, beaten, scourged, spat on, hated by the crowd and even deserted by his friends. And He bore the weight of the whole world’s sin on His back. He even experienced complete separation from the Father, the separation we should have undergone, when He cried in agony of spirit and body: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Imagine experiencing so many kinds of suffering all at once.

Of course, through the Bible we know about what Jesus went through. But it’s so different when you see it with your own eyes. In The Passion of the Christ, you see His pain, you see His body so damaged it’s unrecognisable and you see what we deserved. That’s what my heart was screaming out whilst watching the movie: “Jesus, I should have been the one to receive the punishment, not you!” Yet, Jesus took it for us. As He hung upon that cross, His body drenched in His own blood and nails in His hands and feet, He showed us the very face of love. We all go through times in our lives when we doubt God’s love or just don’t feel it and we ask Him to show it to us again. Yet I realised how selfish that prayer actually can be. Jesus showed us love when He died a terrible death for us, what other proof do we need that Jesus loves us more than we can ever imagine? If you ever go through suffering or times when God’s love feel oceans away- believe me I’ve been there many times-look to the cross and remember the sacrifice our Saviour paid for us. He knows what you’re going through and He loves you so much that He gave everything for you.

1 comment:

  1. The passion of the Christ was a very influencing movie and really made me realize how much pain Jesus went through for me. Thanks for sharing this Jess!!


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