Thursday, 28 March 2013

Rain Fall Down

There is something so soothing and beautiful about rain falling from a cloudy sky. As I stare out my window, watching as the world before my eyes is being cleansed, I feel peace settling upon me from the inside out. And I feel happiness, as if I suddenly know that everything that is going wrong in my life will work out. Perhaps it is the cool air or the sound of rain as the drops splash gently against the window; Perhaps it is the knowledge that the tears of heaven are making the flowers and trees happy; Or maybe it is even how those small droplets can change scenery so drastically and beautifully that fills me with such serenity on a rainy day. 

The feel of rain on my bare skin gives me a child-like thrill of abandon and freedom.  God’s gift of water from the skies is not only for the plants, but it is also for me; it is a reminder of His everlasting goodness. Somehow, rain goes with all things creative. There’s nothing like writing, listening to classical music, doing art or reading good literature whilst there is a soft drizzle outside. And creativity is a core part of who am, so I love anything that inspires more of it into my soul. Rain is like peace coming straight out of the clouds of heaven, giving me a taste of God’s gloriousness.  I cherish each and every rare rainy day we have here, knowing that I will have to wait another while for my next day of soothing beauty. 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Yet Still I Will Praise Him

Sometimes life knocks us down and the last thing we feel like doing is rejoicing. We feel disappointed and drained, like we do not have the energy to carry on. In those moments when everything is going wrong, if we are completely honest, we do not want to praise God. When I am having a bad day or my life seems like one scary rollercoaster ride, I struggle to praise God; I struggle to find the words that describe what a wonderful God I serve. It is easy to worship God when you are happy and everything is going well. Yet in those moments of tribulation we need to worship Him the most, for He is still God.

Desert Song by Hillsong United has the lines: “All of my life/ In every season/ You are still God/ I have a reason to sing/ I have a reason to worship.” No matter what we are going through, He is still God; He is still worthy of our praise. Many things may change, but He remains the same. The beautiful thing about worship is that it takes our focus off ourselves and our hardships and onto the Creator of the Universe. It also helps us realise that God is still in control; that He is bigger than our problems and will bring us through them. Just because we are frustrated and in pain does not mean that God is no longer deserving of our adoration. When we win, we must praise Him and when we lose, still we must praise Him. Whatever you are going through, whatever season of your life you are in, He is Sovereign. Yet still should we praise Him.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Some Changes

Hi Everyone,
I am so sorry I haven't been posting regularly; I have been very busy with work.  Since I finished school last year, I have taken a gap year this year and am currently working so I can buy my ticket to Europe. But I will attempt to post every Saturday like I used to and will try to read your blog posts as much as I can. Please don't think that I am neglecting you all!

Anyway, so there are a few changes to my blog. First of all, I have a wonderful new header thanks to Britt at Encouragement for Daily Struggles. Thanks so much Britt, I love it! :) Second, I have updated my About, Quotes and Bucket List pages if you would like to check them out. You also may have noticed that I have been tweeking my blog design here and there. What do you think of it at the moment? Any suggestions or advice on how to better it? I really dislike my blog design at my other blog Scribblings of a Dreamer, but don't worry I will soon change it and am thinking of adding a header to it, though I'm not really sure how to make one. I also have a new profile picture; hope you like it. Let me know what you think about these small changes! :)

~Jess Leigh