Friday, 6 April 2012

The Greatest Day in History

          Photo taken by Jess Leigh

Something occurred a long, long time ago that changed the world forever; something that changed countless lives, mine included. A Man, but so much more than a man, hung dying on a cross made of wood. Nails pierced His hands and feet, a crown of thorns was twisted on His head and His clothes were divided amongst His enemies. Blood poured from His body and His loving heart was breaking. Crying out to God, He gave up His spirit. The perfect Son of God had died for the sins of the world.

Jesus did this for you and me, so that we may have life. His amazing sacrifice involved so much pain and heartache, but because He loves us He died in our stead so that all who choose to follow Him will be forgiven. This act of love changed my life forever. If it hadn’t been for Jesus, I would still be dead in my sin and I wouldn’t have the amazing, relationship I know have with Him. I don’t know how I would get through each day without my Saviour leading and loving me.

Today, I want us to remember His sacrifice.  And not just today, but everyday our hearts should be filled with awe and thanksgiving over what Jesus did for us. He gave us the way to the Father and saved our lives as well.  Just think about it, the Son of GOD died for you and me! That day was the greatest in all of history! And not only did He die for us, but He also rose again, death having no power over Him! Jesus is not some dead god made of wood and stone, but He’s alive and living within those who follow Him. We all have the choice to give our hearts to Him. And that choice will change your life forever.


  1. Amazing post once again, Jess!!

  2. I am very thankful that Jesus died on the cross for me. If not none of us would even have a chance to go to heaven.

  3. I love what you wrote!
    Very inspiring to those who know God and have him as their savior and to those who aren't saved!!

    LOVING IT!!! :)

  4. This is really cool Jess. I really love what you have been writing all your post's are just so inspirering. Keep up the good work!

    ~ Joyfull, Emily

  5. Just found your blog and am loving it. Wonderful post. All your posts are so encouraging. I love the quote under your header. I say it all the time and its so inspiring. Thanks!

  6. What a wonderful post Jess. Your blog is such an inspiration to me! I wanted to let you know that I awarded you over at my blog! :)


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